What a wonderful weekend. Last night, after a full day at Project Paul, sledging the holy hell out of rubble and doing our best to make our team leader Jen proud in her absence (she got really sick) a few of us on the team decided to reward ourselves and camp out on the beach. At 9PM about ten or twelve of us piled into the tap-tap (small pickups outfitted to carry as many people in the back as possible) and headed out to Jacksonville, a beach basically in the middle of nowhere, off the national highway. Predictably, much rum was had, although I wasn't in the mood to drink so I only had a few swigs while floating around in the ocean. The water had luminescent tiny somethings in it which only lit up when you moved around. One of the people with us brought a facemask, and we took turns putting it on and diving under, swimming through the darkness as it lit up with dozens of lights at every stroke. It was beautiful and surreal. It had an ethereal, space-like quality to it. Incredibly peaceful.
Oh wow, just got nailed with extreme drowsiness. It's very hot here, and I'm supposed to rally to catch the World Cup Final in thirty minutes at a local watering hole down the road. If I keep writing this instead of getting up and moving around I'll fall asleep, no question about it, and miss the festivities. This post will have to be continued later...
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